
            Rice Kheer  It is a popular South Asian sweet dessert made with simple, daily use ingredients. The following recipe is for 4-5 servings.       1.B asmati rice (3 cups)      2.Milk (5 cups)       3.Nuts (Cardamom, Almond , Cashew Nuts, Kismis )      4.Sugar (2 tablespoons) It is easy to learn. I learnt to make it from my sister. She usually made it when we had extra rice left after dinner/lunch. Simple and delicious. It doesn't even need more utensils. We can make the entire recipe in a pot/ pan. Just mix everything up and keep stirring it in a mild flame for few minutes. 
                                   Happy Father's Day   Happy Father's day to all the father's around the world. They play an important role in every family. We view our parents together all the time but they have different roles in every family. Father usually have role with outside world and within the family.  He has work outside and when back to home the work inside as well though he is back tired he tries to spend his time with beloved family.  Father get involved in children education as much as possible  and give possible time to them. They are always there for their children. There is no question that fathers do play an important part in their children's lives studies affirm that they play a crucial role, particularly in the cognitive, behavioral, and general health and well-being areas of child's life According to a report in "Fathers and Their Impa...